International Yoga Day with Courtney Bell!
Join us on June 21st at 12pm EST for International Yoga Day with Courtney Bell! Utile’s favorite yoga instructor is sharing her 1-hour virtual yoga practice with our community of friends and collaborators in celebration of yoga and its physical, healing, and spiritual benefits.
Courtney began her study at Moksha Yoga in Chicago. As she stepped into teaching, she studied Street Yoga in San Diego, and body and movement and trauma with Bes Van Der Kolk at Kripalu Yoga center. Courtney received her 200-hour training at Chakra Power Yoga with Nicole Burrill and Tim Kelleher and completed her 300-hour training with Jacqui Bonwell. She continues her study with Trauma Brain Injury yoga certification, SPA yoga, Mind Body Awareness practice for veterans through the American Red Cross as well as Yin Yoga and Meditation training. All of this is combined with over 20 years of clinical social work skills as a way to open space for an inclusive practice.
Click on the Zoom link below to join Courtney’s 1-hour practice on June 21st at noon. We hope to see you!
Time: Jun 21, 2021 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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