
Utile’s Matthew Littell and Imagine Boston’s Sara Myerson kick off NEU Open Classroom Series

Northeastern University’s Myra Kraft Open Classroom will spend the semester-long lecture series focusing on Imagine Boston 2030 and the issues that will be addressed by Boston’s first citywide plan in fifty years. To kick off the series, Utile principal Matthew Littell and Imagine Boston 2030 Executive Director Sara Myerson presented on the work Imagine Boston has done to date. They were joined by Anthony Flint of the Lincoln Land Institute, and David Luberoff of Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs moderated a lively discussion.

The weekly panel discussions are free and open to the public, and feature a who’s-who of Boston area thought-leaders. On March 2nd Utile principalTim Love and the City of Boston’s Chief of Streets Chris Osgood will talk about enhancing the public realm. Check out the full schedule!