Utile joins SCAPE team for Vision Chelsea Creek in East Boston
Utile is excited to continue our resiliency work on Boston’s waterfront by supporting SCAPE on the Vision Chelsea Creek planning and engagement process in East Boston! The public-private project is led by a local East Boston non-profit, The Harborkeepers, and SCAPE with additional support from the Boston Society of Architects (BSA) and the Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA).
Vision Chelsea Creek aims to create a comprehensive vision for this abandoned industrial site by considering complex coastal regulations, environmental and resiliency best practices, and strategies for providing equitable public access to the waterfront that can coexist with industrial and maritime uses. A broad constituency of stakeholders and community members will be engaged in the collaborative planning and visioning effort to understand the current land use and environmental issues and build consensus on the resilience, accessibility, and restorative potential of the waterfront property.
You can read more in the East Boston Time Free-Press and on the project page.