Littleton Common Revitalization
The Town of Littleton hired Fort Point Associates, Utile, and the UMass Donahue Institute to help plan the revitalization of the Littleton Town Common. As a recent area of interest to developers, the once historic New England village center has expanded to a district of roughly 3,000 people, with a population density of approximately 750-800 persons per square mile. While honoring the small-town, historic, and rural atmosphere that defines Littleton, the Town Common Revitalization effort aims to create a gathering place for residents of all ages that supports a range of commercial, residential, and mixed-use development.
The consultant team created a series of initial planning scenarios, which were presented at a public workshop. The scenario preferred by participants depicted a Common with a wastewater sewer system, a mix of uses, and zoning that reflects a higher density and scale of development. The consultant team identified the need to replace the Town’s existing zoning code with a Form-Based Code to ensure that preferred density, lot and building design, and climate resiliency desired by the Town can easily be achieved. Form-Based Code will regulate land development by using physical form as its main organizing principle, with the goal of fostering predictable built results and a high-quality public realm. Currently, the consultant team lead is partnering with Form-Based Code consultant Dan Bartman on developing the Town’s Code which will consist of a zoning plan and a set of design-based regulations.