“Ideology vs. Pragmatism in New Urbanism,” by Tim Love in Constructs, Yale School of Architecture, Fall 2008.
115 Kingston St.
Boston, MA 02111
In Boston's Chinatown. Five minute walk from South Station.
110 Union St.
Providence, RI 02903
In the historic Telephone Building. One block from City Hall.
“Ideology vs. Pragmatism in New Urbanism,” by Tim Love in Constructs, Yale School of Architecture, Fall 2008.
“Since the late 1990s the generative capabilities of parametric modeling, or digital scripting, programs have come to dominate design discourse at schools like Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columbia, largely due to the increasing influence and leadership of mid-career professors and practitioners such as Greg Lynn, Preston Scott Cohen and Monica Ponce de Leon.”
“Urban Design After Battery Park City: Opportunities for Variety and Vitality” by Tim Love in Urban Design, edited by Alex Krieger and William S. Saunders (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009). (Essay originally published in Harvard Design Magazine)
“Paper Architecture, Emerging Urbanism” by Tim Love in Places, Design Observe, April 13, 2010.
“Can Design Improve Life in Cities?: The Cases of Los Angeles, London and Chicago” by Tim Love in Harvard Design Magazine, Number 28, Spring/Summer 2008. (Review of the HDM Symposium “Can Design Improve Life in Cities?)
For the 10th anniversary issue, several people who have written for Harvard Design Magazine before – including Tim Love – were invited to explore whatever was of concern to them now, free of any prescribed topic.