Resources Publications
“Plot Logic: Character-building through Creative Parcelization,” by Tim Love and Christina Crawford in Urban Design in the Real Estate Development Process, edited by David Adams and Steve Tiesdell (London: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011).
Urban Housing Atlas, 2008 – A compendium of more than twenty multifamily projects that Utile designed from 2003 through 2007.
“Ideology vs. Pragmatism in New Urbanism,” by Tim Love in Constructs, Yale School of Architecture, Fall 2008.
With funding from Yale University, Utile developed nine market-driven building types as a kit-of-parts to inform the graduate urbanism studio, a course that Tim Love coordinated and taught in 2009. These buildings were conceived to allow for more informed early-phase testing of urban design proposals for Beacon Yards, a 77-acre tract of land acquired by Harvard University for real estate development adjacent to its planned science campus. The building types, conceived parametrically with embedded data, not only allowed for the rapid prototyping of physical proposals, but also a detailed understanding of the density, program mix, demographics, and parking requirements of each of the development scenarios.
“Urban Design After Battery Park City: Opportunities for Variety and Vitality” by Tim Love in Urban Design, edited by Alex Krieger and William S. Saunders (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009). (Essay originally published in Harvard Design Magazine)
By Mimi Love and Chris Grimley (Rockport Publishers, 2007).
“Paper Architecture, Emerging Urbanism” by Tim Love in Places, Design Observe, April 13, 2010.
For the 10th anniversary issue, several people who have written for Harvard Design Magazine before – including Tim Love – were invited to explore whatever was of concern to them now, free of any prescribed topic.