Imagine Nashua Master Plan Update
Imagine Nashua, the City’s comprehensive planning process, combined inclusive community engagement with the groundwork created by the previous 20 years of area planning to craft an innovative and coherent vision for the future of Nashua. This master plan focused on equity, resilience, and climate protection as core values guiding growth and development in the city.
The core values represented fundamental community principles that guided the comprehensive plan, linked various plan topics together, and reinforced plan decisions and actions. The vision and core values helped shape goals across the six plan topic areas: housing, land use and development, mobility and access, open space and natural resources, economic growth, and arts and culture.
The plan incorporated many opportunities for feedback from the community including: three public workshops, three Steering Committee meetings, Mayor’s Ward meetings, small group meetings, two digital surveys, digital mapping platform, a video and photo campaign, social media outreach, and newsletters. Community members also had an opportunity to explore ways to make commercial corridors more attractive and coherent through encouraging a wider range of commercial uses and active ground floor uses, integrating and improving pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, incorporating landscaping and green infrastructure elements, and enhancing public realm through facade and signage guidelines.