Fifteen Utile Projects Are On The Path To Passive House Certification
Utile collaborates with our clients and partners to prioritize sustainability. From Registration, to Design Certification, to Certification, Phius’s climate-specific, cost-optimized standard ensures a high quality environment for residents and a sustainable building for the planet.
Projects earn Phius Design Certification when their energy models are reviewed and approved by the Phius Certification Staff. This review process ensures the project is designed to hit all targets outlined by Phius’ climate-specific, cost-optimized standard. Projects achieve Phius Certified after a third-party quality assurance inspection by a Phius Certified quality assurance professional to confirm the designs were properly implemented and will perform as modeled.
You can view the list of all certified projects in the Phius Certified Projects Database – the most comprehensive database of passive projects in North America. Below are fifteen Utile projects that are pursuing or have achieved various stages of Phius Certification, as of November 2023.
Phius Certified
Portland Front Street Affordable Housing, Building 2
Phius Design Certified
Portland Front Street Affordable Housing, Building 5
152-158 Broadway
3371 Washington Street
25 Sixth Street
1599 Columbus Ave
Walnut Street Senior Affordable Housing
1005 Broadway
Pursuing Phius
1200 Montello
10 Sunnyside
299 Broadway, Building A
299 Broadway, Building B
2 Charlesgate West
Mission Hill Parcel 25
On the Dot
About Phius
Phius is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting comfortable living for all and the well-being of the planet. This means driving down carbon emissions and working toward a net zero future. Phius works toward this goal by training and certifying professionals, maintaining the Phius climate-specific passive building standard, certifying and quality assuring passive buildings, certifying high-performance building products and conducting research to advance high-performance building.
Photos by Randy Crandon.